Article creation and submission for The Parenting Daily

To submit an article for publishing on this web site you first need to register for a Parenting Daily account if you have not already done so. This requires you have a valid e-mail address. Once you complete the online registration form check your e-mail account for the activation e-mail. If you don't see one from the Home Ed Daily within 10 minutes please check your spam folder. If the e-mail is found in your spam please make sure to mark it as not spam to prevent further issues with mail from us in the future. We promise not to send out anything you don't sign up for.

Parenting Daily - Your Daily pane with add story button Once you have registered and logged into your Parenting Daily account you can begin creating content. On the right hand side of most pages you will find the "Your Daily" pane with the "Add story" button. Clicking this will load up the new article creation editor.

Home Ed Daily - The site for UK home educators