
Safe and Reliable School Transport for Your Child’s Adventures

Ensuring students arrive safely at school is a top priority for educational institutions and families. As children go on their academic journey, the necessity of reliable school transport becomes evident. A school vehicle provides a secure, efficient, and comfortable way for students to travel, offering both schools and parents peace of mind. This article delves into the essential aspects of choosing...

Ellie Green

Ellie Green



Parents in Exeter rally against the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill

Defending alternative education and parental rights

Parents rally against the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill: Defending alternative education and parental rights #ChildrensWellbeingBill Parents are set to gather on 8th March 2025 in Bedford Street, Exeter (and major cities across England, including London, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham). This coordinated rally aims to protest the proposed bill. This deeply concerning piece of...
picture of a a mum and child learning to read together

Positive learning improves educational success

“Development is a series of rebirths.” – Maria Montessori - The Absorbent Mind.

Regression in under 5’s is a very common behaviour and is easy to explain and understand in many instances. The arrival of a baby brother or sister. Mummy going on a long business trip or any changes to their daily routine can cause a return to more immature, baby-like behaviour. They often become more...

How to Motivate Your Child to Do Homework: 4 Success Tips

"I don't want to do my homework!" How many times have you heard your child say this? And how many times did you say it yourself in your own life? Indeed, homework never ends: yesterday, we didn't want to solve maths problems, and today, we don't feel like dealing with our own finances. Yesterday, we didn't want to open textbooks again after school, and today, we don't feel like working or...

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill: An Attack on Home Education and Parental Rights

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill: An Attack on Home Education and Parental Rights

In almost all cases, a parent or guardian is the very best person to judge a child’s needs, it is abhorrent that parental rights are being diminished so greatly by this bill, putting these decisions into the hands of a local authority and state who know little to nothing of each individual child’s genuine needs.

Written by and previously published on The Home Ed Daily - with the...
picture of a child doing maths online

Discovery Education Launches Autumn Competition to Boost Children's Numeracy Skills

Discovery Education today announced a brand-new competition to help parents boost children’s maths skills during the autumn half term holiday and beyond.

The DoodleLearning Autumn Competition encourages children to practise maths for just a few minutes each day, using the award-winning DoodleMaths app. Part of the Discovery Education family of services, DoodleMaths is designed to be...

picture of a child holding picture of a head with the letters ADHD inside

Tips for smooth schooling if your child has ADHD

October is ADHD Awareness Month. If your child is one of the 5% of children diagnosed with ADHD and is struggling with the return to school, experts at The Good Schools Guide have this advice:

 Identification is the first step in providing the support that is required, so act on your instincts if your child’s functioning is being affected by their attention difficulties, by talking...

picture of Educational toys from Leapfrog

LeapFrog’s Top Learning Toys for Back to School

Rule the School with LeapFrog

With back-to-school season right around the corner, it’s never too soon to stock up on learning toys and gadgets that help make the transition that bit smoother. LeapFrog has got you covered with an exciting range of educational tools that turn homework hassles into engaging, interactive play. From high-tech gadgets to captivating books, their lineup is designed...

Not back to school

Not back to school: how home education is changing the way we learn

As September approaches, the familiar buzz of "back to school" season begins to resonate. Shops are filled with school supplies, uniforms, and lunchboxes while families prepare for the routine of frantic mornings and packed schedules. However, for many, this September marks a departure from tradition. Instead of the usual rush to return to the classroom, more families embrace the opportunity...

picture of a a child learning in a Montessori way

Tips for Introducing Montessori Learning Methods to Your Child's Daily Routine

Introducing Montessori learning methods into your child's daily routine can be rewarding and transformative. Rooted in educational philosophy, the Montessori Method focuses on hands-on learning and self-discovery. It is centered around the child's individual needs and pace. Fundamental principles include fostering an environment that encourages independence, self-drive, and a genuine love for...

child learning at laptop

Parents and Teachers Urged to Prioritise Soft Skills and Help Young People into Work

An education platform founded by lawyers and educational experts to upskill young people with a range of critical soft skills believes parents and teachers can play a pivotal role in better preparing children for a looming workplace crisis.

By 2025, a third of the UK workforce will be Gen Z but 41% of business leaders believe this generation is largely unprepared for the workforce. [...

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picture of an advert for Sea Life Brighton