All about Lizz

Hi there, I’m Lizz and I’m the co-founder and editor of The Parenting Daily. Thank you so much for stopping by, I really hope you have found lots of useful things to help you on your parenting rollercoaster 

Here is a bit more about me

I’m the mum to two amazing small people 

picture of Lizz and son All I have ever wanted in life was to be a mum and I am super lucky to have my son Oscar who is 8 and my 6-year-old daughter Alexa! At the moment Mum life looks mostly like being a full-time taxi driver! Seriously, how can two small people have such active social lives? I secretly love our trips in the car though, when they can tell me all about their day. Then I often get some nice one-to-one time with one of them whilst we watch the other do an after-school activity. I’m a former nursery nurse by trade so I absolutely love creating activities and fun foods for them, which you can see on the site or on our Instagram page. 

picture of Lizz and daughter I also have two other children, Sophie and Charlie, who didn’t get to stay and play. Both Sophie and Charlie had very severe heart defects, which were picked up during pregnancy. We lost Sophie when I was 21 weeks pregnant and Charlie died 6 hours after being born at 35 weeks pregnant. I’m still finding my way with learning how to talk about Sophie and Charlie and keep their memories alive in a positive way. 

Happily married to Al 

Picture of Lizz and Alastair Banks Al and I have been married for 10 years this year, together for 15 and we make the best team! We play to our individual strengths and are great at supporting and inspiring each other. I told Al on our first date that all I wanted in life was to be a stay-at-home mum, luckily he wasn’t scared off and expectations were set right from the start! I officially retired from 9-5 work when I was pregnant with Oscar, with the plan of me not working for the foreseeable future… fast forward 8 years and my entrepreneurial husband has somehow roped me into starting various new businesses with him! In hindsight, this was very lucky as children’s sport is very expensive! Plus I wouldn’t be sitting here today with the Parenting Daily! 

I’m a dog mum to Freddie 

picture of a black labrador We have a 10 year black Labrador called Freddie who is my very loyal companion! He is also head of hoovering at home, not letting a single drop of food even touch the floor before eating it. This was super handy during the weaning stage! 


I left school and started working in private day nurseries, where I achieved my NVQ levels 2,3 and 4. I loved learning while working and lots of my love of creating fun activities comes from this stage of my life. After working in day nurseries for 6 years I got a job in the NHS as a community nursery nurse, working within the Health visiting teams. My main roles here were giving parents support on anything they needed from birth to 5 years old, topics like breastfeeding, weaning, sleeping, toilet training and behaviour support. I also spent a lot of time working with social services with vulnerable children who needed extra support and with the maternal mental health teams, working with families where there was post-natal depression and/or other mental health challenges. I really loved this role and learnt so much. I only left this job to go on maternity leave with Oscar. 

What I enjoy doing 

I am at my absolute happiest when I’m snuggled up with my family on the sofa watching films with snacks! 

Food is a big love of mine, especially chocolate! I love trying my hand at cooking and baking and really like trying to make food look pretty. 

I really like my own company and need time to myself to relax and recharge. I do this mostly by sticking my headphones in and taking Freddie for a big long walk.

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