Cost of childcare has risen by over £2,000 a year since 2010 Childcare fees have increased by nearly half (44 per cent) for parents with kids aged under 2 · Union body warns that mums are caught in a “catch 22” with childcare costs soaring and statutory maternity pay falling in real value · UK government must provide urgent funding boost for the childcare sector – not slash staffing requirements, says TUC The... Read more
Increasing minimum wage to £10 an hour would give over 170,000 childcare workers a pay rise, says TUC New analysis shows around 173,000 childcare workers across the UK would benefit from raising the minimum wage to £10 an hour Women, young people, and workers in the south east and south west of England would gain the most TUC calls for urgent cash boost to the childcare sector, and an immediate increase in the minimum wage to at least £10 an hour ... Read more