
picture of a Happy mothers day breakfast

These Mother’s Day breakfast in bed recipes will impress any mum

Many people are stumped when it comes to buying gifts on Mother’s Day, with around 135,000 searches for ‘Mother’s Day gifts’ this month.

However, it turns out all mums want is some quality time. A previous study found that over half of mums said they really want to spend time with children and family on Mother’s Day, and what better way to say ‘I love you’ than a home cooked...

picture of a child eating breakfast

Children's breakfast ideas

With The Mirror Newspaper reporting that ‘ One in five parents send children to school breakfast clubs due to cost-of-living crisis' we have put together a list of cheap breakfast ideas to help make life a bit easier.

Cheap kids breakfast ideas
  1. Porridge – You can buy porridge in bulk, which can make this one of the cheapest breakfasts out there. To give this an extra healthy
  2. ...
picture of healthy breakfast ideas for kids

Adding goodness into kids breakfast

Nutritionist Jane McClenaghan offers us advice on how to add goodness into kids breakfast.

Adding goodness into kids breakfasts

September is time for a fresh start. As the kids get back to school and family life takes on more of a routine, getting your day off to a good start can make all the difference to your child’s nutrition for the day. Eating breakfast is associated with better...

Family-friendly Breakfast Pastry Recipe from Great Plains Mara Nyika Camp, Kenya


Guests of all ages at Great Plains Mara Nyika Camp often rave about the breakfast pastries! They are surprised we can produce fresh and quality products in a middle of the Masai Mara bush setting. Making pastries can be fun and personalised - once the dough is made you can get a variety of products from it as you just need to substitute the filling. For...

Picture of a school child eating a health breakfast

Thousands more children to benefit from free breakfast clubs

National School Breakfast Programme to support children in disadvantaged areas over next two years

From: Department for Education and Vicky Ford MP

Thousands of children in disadvantaged areas in England will be offered nutritious breakfasts in the next two academic years, to better support their attainment, wellbeing and readiness to learn.

A healthy...

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