catch up

picture of a boy having home tutoring

Hundreds of thousands of pupils benefit from tutoring

New figures reveal over 300,000 tutoring courses began last term

From: Department for Education and Robin Walker MP

Hundreds of thousands of children across the country benefited from catch up tutoring in the first term of the academic year, new figures from the Department for Education reveal today (Tuesday 11 January).

Over 300,000 tutoring courses began last term, nearing...

picture of children learning math

Catch up learning accelerates with £10m for maths and literacy

A series of programmes to help disadvantaged pupils boost their maths and literacy skills will be delivered from January

From: Department for Education and Robin Walker MP

Over £10 million of funding will go to programmes identified by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) to help disadvantaged pupils catch up, as part of the government’s Accelerator Fund, the Schools Minister,...

picture of happy school children and teacher

All schools and colleges to receive extra funding for catch up

Every pupil in every school to benefit from significant new investment in education to help young people catch up on lost learning

From: Department for Education and The Rt Hon Nadhim Zahawi MP

Every school and college in England will have more money to support young people’s recovery from the impact of the pandemic, as the government confirms billions of pounds of additional...

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