For recently divorced parents, the beginning of a new academic year involves considerations that extend beyond new school supplies and extracurricular activities. Some of these include legal considerations which, if not properly addressed, can lead to conflicts and potential legal issues further down the line.
Approximately 3.18 million* UK families are headed by a single parent,...
Mediation charity offers advice as schools close for the summer
The summer holidays can prove challenging for all families. Juggling childcare, entertaining the kids, and keeping them topped up with endless snacks over the six-week period can prove tough for even the most organised of parents.
For separated couples though it can be particularly hard.
Can’t remember when the visiting midwife is next due, let alone what you’re going to tell them when they arrive? Can’t quite put your finger on the date you arranged that playdate for, but need to tell the babysitter? Can’t recall if you noted down the information about the new medication and need to tell your partner? We’ve been there.
Uncertainty about how summer holidays might shape up this year means separated families should consider making flexible written parenting plans right now, says a leading family dispute resolution charity currently providing its services by video conference.
Arrangements for children during the long school vacation always provide headaches for separated parents. This year, the delayed...