cost of childcare

picture of children learning to play the recorder

Study reveals most expensive countries to raise a child in

Early childcare costs around the world: US ranks worst among developed countries
  • The US is the only country in the developed world with virtually no maternity system in place
  • Mothers in America need to spend at least one eighth of their wages on early childcare
  • Denmark, Romania, Estonia, Bulgaria and Austria have the most balanced maternity systems in the developed
  • ...
picture of toddlers playing at nursery

Drive to reduce the cost of childcare for parents

Package of measures will increase childcare support for parents, boost the number of childminders and drive take up of childcare offers, to address rising costs The government has today announced ambitious new plans to improve the cost, choice and availability of childcare that will benefit hundreds of thousands of parents across the country.

The UK has some of the highest-quality childcare...

picture of a toddler building with building blocks

Alliance dismantles government’s £40 a week saving claim ahead of launch of early years ratios consultation

The government has claimed that changing the maximum number of two-year-olds per adult in nurseries and pre-schools in England from four to five could result in savings of 15% or £40 per week for parents of two-year-olds.

This is based on the following calculation:

Staff costs account for 74% of overall costs in early years settings. Moving from a ratio for 1:4 to 1:5 for two-year-...

picture of a happy child at nursery

Cost of childcare has risen by over £2,000 a year since 2010

  • Childcare fees have increased by nearly half (44 per cent) for parents with kids aged under 2

· Union body warns that mums are caught in a “catch 22” with childcare costs soaring and statutory maternity pay falling in real value

· UK government must provide urgent funding boost for the childcare sector – not slash staffing requirements, says TUC


picture of childcare worker and children in a daycare setting

British attitudes towards paid parental leave and childcare

Revealed: British attitudes towards paid parental leave and childcare

Parental leave and childcare considerations have a massive impact on parents, carers, employers, communities and most importantly, children's lives.

For that reason, Easy Offices surveyed 2,000 people across the UK asking how they felt about topics related to parental leave and childcare to ascertain what impacts...

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