digital technology

Onoco App Interface Shown Over Smiling Family

Invest Today and Power Tomorrow - Parenting App Onoco Opens Crowdfunding Round for Interested Investors

Did you know that in the first five years of life, a child’s brain develops more and at a faster rate than at any other time in their life? The early experiences of a child - from relationships with others to sensory experiences - stimulate their brain and create millions of connections which help them to navigate the world around them. It’s during this stage that parents often find...

picture of happy boy and girl teens using the internet


Internet Matters today releases its first ever index to track children’s wellbeing in a digital world – and it reveals the vital role that parents’ own habits play in their child’s growth and experiences.

The Index is the result of 12-month project that studied children and parents from the same household about young people’s behaviours, experiences and impacts of their online lives....

picture of a child online on a smartphone

1 in 8 children say time online harms their school work  

Nearly one in eight children in the UK say their online life harms their school work according to a survey by The Children’s Society.

The survey is among the evidence considered in the national charity’s new report,  Net Gains? Young People’s Digital Lives and Well-Being . 

It found 13% of young people aged 10-17 said their life online had a ‘mostly negative’ impact on their school...

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