ditch the screen

picture of happy children outside having a picnic

How to Encourage Your Children to Spend Time Outside

Summer is just around the corner, so you might be thinking of ways to encourage your little ones to spend more time outdoors. We are living in the technological age, after all, and children aged 5-7 spend an average of 4 hours behind a screen every day.

Here, we will look at how your family can ditch the screen and have fun in the sun. But first, let’s look at some of the ways you...

picture of a family picnic

Encouraging Children to Ditch the Screen and Spend Time Outdoors

We are living in the technological age. From adults checking their smartphones to children watching television on their tablets, digital devices have become commonplace in our society. According to Ofcom, a child between 5-7 spends an average of 4.5 hours behind a screen every day.

Despite the many benefits of these inventions, excessive amounts of screen time can lead to a number of...

picture of a happy family playing a board game

Digital Detoxing: How to Break Up with Technologies as a Family 

Technology has become an everyday element of contemporary living. It doesn’t matter if you’re a tech wizard or a technophobe, chances are you own a digital device or two. The convenience of technology can often lead to people spending excessive amounts of time in front of the screen, including children. In fact, 5-7 year-olds typically spend 4 hours doing just this.

To combat the...

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