divorce law

picture of a couple getting a divorce

Family lawyers must ‘challenge’ themselves amidst growing desire for amicable divorces

Simpson Millar launches single lawyer divorce service, Separating Together

One of the country’s leading family lawyers has said the profession needs to ‘challenge itself’ to better meet the needs of consumers amidst growing demand for a more amicable solution to separation and divorce.

The call to action comes in the run up to the introduction of ‘no-fault divorce’ on April...

picture of arguing couple with their backs to eachother

Family lawyers must ‘challenge’ themselves amidst growing desire for amicable divorces

Poll reveals that majority of couples want to ‘keep things civil’ while separating

One of the country’s leading family lawyers has said the profession needs to ‘challenge itself’ to better meet the needs of consumers amidst growing demand for a more amicable solution to separation and divorce.

The call to action follows a recent poll carried out by national consumer law firm...

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