dry eyes

picture of a pregnant woman reading

Expert reveals how vision changes in pregnancy and how to take care of your eyes

Morning sickness, a sudden aversion to certain foods with an increased craving for others, swollen feet, and mood swings are all well-known side effects of pregnancy. The lesser-known symptoms, however, are vision changes, even though studies have shown that they occur in 15% of pregnancies.

Nimmi Mistry, professional service optician at Vision Direct shares more on how pregnancy...

picture of a boy laying on a bed watching a tablet device

The impact of lockdown on young people’s eyes

Opticians are advising Plymouth youngsters about how to look after their eyes after research shows the damage that’s been done during lockdown.

According to the Journal of School Health, researchers have found that children and teenagers spent more time in front of computers and mobile devices throughout the pandemic, causing eye strain, blurred vision and dry eyes.


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