
picture of someone picking up litter on a beach

World Environment Day: fun ways to get kids involved in litter picking

With World Environment Day coming up, there's never been a better time to get your kids learning about the natural world and how to take care of it. Involving them in litter picking is a good start, as this is a simple activity that can show them the importance of keeping the natural environment as clean as possible. They'll also be able to see exactly what they've achieved when they finish...

Picture of a child beekeeper

Maddie Moate fronts first beekeeping challenge on British TV in new BBC series, Show Me The Honey!

Show Me the Honey! follows wanna-be beekeepers as they learn everything there is to know about caring for a hive.

We all love honey and bees are vital to our eco-system, now more than ever. With green fingers and sticky hands we want to inspire the next generation of eco-conscious youngsters to get outside, support our precious pollinators and maybe even encourage them to try their hand at...

Picture of a baby wearing a reusable nappy

Reusable Nappy Week Kicks Off - Leading Nappy Brand Offers 20% Off Styles

TotsBots, the UK’s leading reusable nappy brand, has joined forces with the Nappy Alliance to urge UK parents to give reusable nappies a try during Reusable Nappy Week, which kicks off today (19-24 April). Offering 20% off select reusable nappies and accessories from www.totsbots.com , TotsBots are offering an incentive for parents to give reusables a try to dramatically cut back on Co2...

picture of children learning outside

Pioneering ‘Nature Friendly Schools’ launches new phase to boost children’s learning at a critical time

Pioneering ‘Nature Friendly Schools’ launches new phase to boost children’s learning at a critical time

Almost 30,000 school children from disadvantaged areas are set to enjoy classes in nature this spring in a ground-breaking outdoor learning project spearheaded by The Wildlife Trusts. Nature Friendly Schools gives children from some of the poorest communities in the country...

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