Do you remember reading Winnie-the-Pooh cradled in your mum’s lap and flickering through the colourful pages with astute childish curiosity? Winnie-the-Pooh alongside a plethora of timeless children’s books and films bring a sense of nostalgia to our everyday lives.
With eyes of wonder, we absorb the enchanting personalities of our beloved film and book characters. They’re our...
An all-new animated adventure premiering exclusively on Disney+, “The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild,” continues the hilarious escapades of the beloved sub-zero heroes as they create more prehistoric pandemonium. The thrill-seeking possum brothers Crash and Eddie are desperate for some distance from their older sister Ellie and set out to find a place of their own, but quickly find themselves...
20th Century Studios’ “Home Sweet Home Alone” is an all-new adventure comedy from the beloved holiday film franchise. Max Mercer is a mischievous and resourceful young boy who has been left behind while his family is in Japan for the holidays. So when a married couple attempting to retrieve a priceless heirloom set their sights on the Mercer family’s home, it is up to Max to protect it from...
The first book in Jeff Kinney’s worldwide bestselling series comes to Disney+ in the all-new animated adventure “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” Greg Heffley is a scrawny but ambitious kid with an active imagination and big plans to be rich and famous – he just has to survive middle school first. To make matters worse, Greg’s lovable best friend Rowley seems to coast through life and succeed at...
We have recently started having a Family film night on a Friday night, which we all absolutely love! We get home from school and work, make some snacks and snuggle up on the sofa to end off our week.
We have watched quite a few films so far, today I will be sharing my top 3 films for you to watch with your families this weekend....