limiting screen time

picture of children on devices

How to manage your child's screen time

Parents play a crucial role in guiding their children's internet and social media usage. Here are some key points and tips to consider, remembering that it can vary from family to family: What Parents Need to Know:

1. Online Safety is Paramount : Parents should be aware of the potential dangers online, including cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and privacy risks....

picture of mum on a device with her child

Digital Detoxing: How to Break Up with Technologies as a Family

Technology has become an everyday element of contemporary living. It doesn’t matter if you’re a tech wizard or a technophobe, chances are you own a digital device or two. The convenience of technology can often lead to people spending excessive amounts of time in front of the screen, including children. In fact, 5-7 year-olds typically spend 4 hours doing just this.

To combat the...

picture of a toddler sat on an ipad

How Does Screen Time Really Affect Our Children?

How Does Screen Time Really Affect Our Children?

If there’s one thing many of our little ones’ childhoods are defined by, it’s screen time. Even as recently as our own childhoods, we never had access to smartphones and tablets like our kids do.

We know that screen time comes with some disadvantages, but how is it really affecting our children?

This article will explore the...

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