money advice

picture of a Couple discussing money

Tesco Bank urges couples to use this Valentine’s Day to set a money date

Use this Valentine’s Day to set a money date

Craig Bundell, Help me Borrow Director at Tesco Bank: “While talking about money might not be at the top of the list for Valentine’s Day, it’s an incredibly important part of any relationship. Every couple should have time set aside for a money date. A time to discuss savings goals, planning for the future and potentially more tricky topics like...

picture of a happy woman filling out a form at the kitchen table

Funding boost to Citizens Advice to deliver ‘Help to Claim’ Universal Credit support

Free confidential and impartial support to help people make a Universal Credit claim will continue to be delivered across Great Britain for the fourth year running.

From: Department for Work and Pensions and David Rutley MP

The Department for Work and Pensions ‘Help to Claim’ support will be delivered independently by Citizens Advice, in partnership with Citizens Advice Scotland,...

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