mums fitness

picture of children riding scooters

How to keep active in the school holidays with the kids off

This year my youngest started school, so it has been the first time in nearly 8 years that I have had both of my children in school and a bit of time to myself in the day. Over the past year I have built up quite a good exercise routine in term time, but that always goes on pause when the holidays come around.

I have been so excited about having the children off school for 6 weeks...

picture of mum and baby exercising

Join the Mother Fit Movement

It’s good for the mind, body and soul

This month marks the launch of Mother Fit, a unique digital platform that encourages and supports a truly holistic approach to motherhood. The thoughtfully designed website will look after women’s mind, body, and soul, during pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond, thanks to its personalised subscription service offering access to fitness classes, expert...

Women's Sport Daily - The new home of women's sport in the UK