Referrals from NSPCC helpline to agencies in South West surge during pandemic Over 4,700 referrals made from NSPCC helpline to external agencies in the South West last year – a 41% rise from 2019/2020 Adult’s mental health and behaviour was the top concern, followed by neglect, emotional and physical abuse showing a worrying rise too The charity reveals plans for Childhood Day which will bring the nation together to celebrate play, raise... Read more
Empowering young people to pave the way for internet safety Empowering young people to pave the way for internet safety: Social media and online learning platform, Natterhub, seeks young advisors. An online safety and digital literacy organisation is searching for a panel of young board members to join the team as valued advisors. The young advisors will be invited to virtually meet in small groups to share their thoughts and... Read more