nursing pads

picture of a pregnant woman sat on a bed packing her hospital bag

The ultimate guide to packing your hospital bag

Have you started packing your hospital bag? Don’t know where to start? Breastfeeding experts and maternal health brand, Lansinoh, has rounded up its must-have items every expecting mum should pack in their hospital bag.

For mums-to-be the pressure to have everything organised in their hospital bag can be daunting. It’s recommended to bring at least three changes of clothes for both...

picture of mum breastfeeding her baby with some medela products

From Hospital Bag to Home – Introducing Medela’s Breastfeeding Essentials 

Medela Provides Extensive Essentials to Support Every Breastfeeding Journey

World Leading Breastfeeding brand, Medela, continues to support all new mums thanks to the extensive range of breastfeeding essentials. Best known for its award-winning breast pumps (including manual, electric and even hospital grade), the brand also offers all the key products any new mum will need to embark on her...

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