
picture of school supplies

Fieldhead Primary Academy celebrates latest Ofsted report

Fieldhead Primary Academy in Birstall celebrates another positive Ofsted report, with the school being labelled as ‘welcoming and nurturing’ and everyone living out of the school’s vision of ‘a great school at the heart of the community’.

The news of the recent Ofsted inspection, which resulted in a well-deserved overall judgment of "Good," with the effectiveness of Personal...

picture of a Early years setting

International experts highlight the importance of a child’s early years

Ofsted has today published a report exploring early years provision in an international context.

International research shows that children who spend longer in early years provision have better educational outcomes later on. It also shows that high-quality early years provision particularly benefits children from low-income backgrounds.

While the importance of the early years is...

picture of a nursery teacher sat in a classroom

Early years sector backs calls to scrap single-word Ofsted judgements

Early years sector backs calls to scrap single-word Ofsted judgements as nurseries, preschools and childminders say inspections are their main cause of stress

Early years providers are calling for single-word Ofsted judgements to be scrapped, as a new survey by leading membership organisation the Early Years Alliance found that Ofsted inspections are the main regular cause of stress for early...

picture of a teen doing art in school

Art should command an important place in every school

Ofsted has published its latest curriculum research review, this time looking at art education in schools. Today’s report explores the factors that contribute to a high-quality art education . It sets out a broad conception of curriculum quality that draws on the education inspection framework as well as art education research, art history, art criticism, aesthetics, and art practice.


picture of a science lesson

Science curriculum in schools improving despite pandemic pressures

Ofsted has today published the first in a new series of reports looking at how subjects are taught in England’s schools .

Today’s report looks at science education and draws on evidence from a sample of primary and secondary schools, gathered as part of routine inspections.

Read the ‘Finding the optimum: the science subject report’ .

Inspectors found that science curriculums...

picture of a young offender

The links between young people being imprisoned, pupil background and school quality

We find that going to a lower-quality school, as rated by Ofsted, is one of the many factors linked with a higher likelihood of someone being imprisoned. The impact of school quality is comparably low. We also look at the issues of poverty and growing up in care and include the thoughts of people working with at-risk students.

Of the minority of young people imprisoned by the age of...

picture of a school child in a classroom

Hundreds of formerly outstanding schools reinspected

Today Ofsted has published a commentary on inspection outcomes for previously exempt outstanding schools reinspected in 2021/22.

From 2012, schools that had been judged outstanding were legally exempt from further regular inspection, unless there were specific concerns about the school. The exemption was lifted in 2020.

Read the report: A return to inspection: the story (so far) of...

picture of a child in care

Local authorities having to find homes for children at the ‘last minute’

An Ofsted report published today, finds that local authorities are struggling to find homes for children coming into care.

Local authorities are struggling with a last minute dash to find homes for children coming into care due to the rising demand for places and a lack of suitable accommodation, according to Ofsted.

In a report published today, Ofsted found that the lack of enough...

picture of school child with additional needs

Schools need more specialist help for primary age children with additional needs

New Ofsted research, published today, finds a lack of access to specialist help means more primary school children with additional needs are being referred to alternative provision (AP).

Primary-age children are referred to alternative provision when schools are unable to manage their physically or verbally violent behaviour, with negative effects on other children and staff. Around 7,000...

picture of a Teen Reading

Reading should be explicitly taught even in secondary schools

Today Ofsted has published a research report looking at how high-performing secondary schools provide targeted support for struggling readers.

Reading is essential to every subject and children who cannot read well will find it difficult to keep up with the demands of secondary school.

Read the report: ‘Now the whole school is reading’: supporting struggling readers in...


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