
Picture of a school girl at school

£10 million scheme to help pupils boost core skills

Programmes targeted at pupils starting primary and secondary school, who will take part in focused English and maths catch-up sessions

From: Department for Education and The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP

Pupils in participating schools are set to benefit from more support in maths and English, as part of a £10 million scheme announced on Friday.

Specialist training...

A picture of a single mum working from home

Caring Without Sharing: single parents’ journeys through the COVID-19 pandemic

The final report arising from Gingerbread’s Caring Without Sharing research project reveals how the unique challenges for working single parents created by the COVID-19 pandemic have evolved over time and require government action going forward.

Watch the launch webinar below, with single parent Andrea, researchers Laura Dewar and Liz Clery, Gingerbread CEO, Victoria Benson, and chaired by...


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