
picture of a happy family at home

Over 8 million families to receive £301 Cost of Living Payment from today

This is first of three new Cost of Living payments adding up to £900 in 2023/24 – though some people will receive up to £1,350.
  • Over 8 million households to receive £301 from the Government with payments hitting bank accounts from today
  • Those eligible will be paid between Tuesday 25 April and Wednesday 17 May, with HMRC making payments to tax credit-only customers between
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picture of payment received

First 2023/24 Cost of Living Payment dates announced

Millions of UK households will receive £301 directly from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) between 25 April and 17 May.

This is the first of three payments totalling up to £900 for those eligible and on means-tested benefits, such as Universal Credit or Pension Credit, in 2023/24. This follows the £650 Cost of Living Payment made to over eight million people in 2022.


picture of a happy family

Over 8 million families in the UK getting new cost of living payment from 14 July 2022

Over 8 million households in the UK will get a cash payment from July 2022 to ease cost of living pressures.
  • Over 8 million households will receive the first of two cost of living instalments totalling £650 from 14 July 2022, part of the £1,200 support package this year
  • Initial automatic instalment for means-tested benefit claimants will be £326, with the rest to follow in a
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