playing outside

picture of children learning outside at a forest school

New poll reveals people think children need more time learning in nature 

The Wildlife Trusts and young people call for more outdoor wild time at school

A new poll shows that people believe children do not spend enough time enjoying the natural world and that they should spend more of their school time learning outdoors in nature.

It has been widely proven that regular contact with nature makes children healthier, happier, and better able to learn. The...

picture of children playing outside on a swing

How Does Nature Impact Children’s Well-Being?

How Does Nature Impact Children’s Well-Being?

How often do you see joyful children playing outside with their peers, swept up in the excitement and jubilantly singing alongside the chirping birds? Unfortunately, that seems to be a less common scene these days. The never-ending games of hide and seek have been replaced by multi-player sessions of Animal Crossing.

Console games provide...

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