post natal

picture of a mum after a c section with baby laying on her tummy

5 Tips for Dealing with your C-section Scar

According to 2023 statistics, 31% of births in the UK are by caesarean. I don’t want you to put up with any pain and feeling held back by your mummy pouch (collection of excess skin that develops above the surgical scar after caesarean delivery) for as long as some of my clients have done. As a c-section expert, here’s what helped create the shift in how many new mums feel about their scar. I...

picture of woman wearing a post nursing bra with a child on her lap

The First Bras Dedicated to Post-Nursing Have Arrived!

Bravado Designs Post-Nursing Collection Proudly Supports Mums Beyond Pregnancy and Nursing

With close to 30 years’ specialist experience, the lingerie experts at Bravado Designs, are delighted to offer mums the follow-on bras they have always been looking for thanks to the Post-Nursing collection. Coined as the first bra range dedicated to post-nursing, the comfy collection is a must...

Postnatal depression: How to ask your partner if they’re okay

Postnatal depression: How to ask your partner if they’re okay

Welcoming a baby into the world is an exciting and life-changing occasion, but don’t underestimate how overwhelming it can be too. By trying to block out those feelings of stress or anxiety, there’s a risk that those emotions could lead to you or your partner developing postnatal depression (PND) – a condition which...

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