reducing screen time

picture of a child on a smartphone

5 Ways to Reset Your Child’s Relationship With Screens

There’s no doubt that technology plays a big part in many children’s lives, and the time spent looking at screens is only increasing. Ofcom estimates that screen time has risen to 3 hours for 3–4-year-olds and 4.5 hours for 8–11-year-olds every day. The effects of the pandemic have only contributed to this further, with kids’ education, social lives, and contact with family largely moving...

picture of happy children outside having a picnic

How to Encourage Your Children to Spend Time Outside

Summer is just around the corner, so you might be thinking of ways to encourage your little ones to spend more time outdoors. We are living in the technological age, after all, and children aged 5-7 spend an average of 4 hours behind a screen every day.

Here, we will look at how your family can ditch the screen and have fun in the sun. But first, let’s look at some of the ways you...

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