school run

picture of parent walking child to school

Expert tips on how to de-stress your school run, as two fifths of parents struggle

  • New research from 100Green reveals that two-fifths (37%) of school runs that could be walked are unnecessarily driven, despite half of parents (47%) saying they want to walk their kids to school more often
  • Over the course of the next school year (39 weeks) , these drives to school would cause an unnecessary 341,640 tonnes of CO2e - the equivalent of 50,167 flights from London
  • ...
picture of a bus lane

It’s Time to Let Busy Mums and Dads into Bus Lanes

Busy parents across the UK could save hours on the school run if a new proposal allowing them into bus lanes is rolled out. Motoring experts at have launched a campaign to allow mums and dads to bypass queueing traffic by using bus lanes when dropping their kids off at school.

Parents are often held up on the congested roads and many need to make it on time to work afterwards too...

picture of the School drop off

Caught Idling at school? You could be in for a ticking off…and a fine

Mums and dads have been warned to wrap-up warm to avoid fines at the school gates after new research revealed more than one in ten leaves their motor running while waiting for their kids.

Experts at leading price comparison site are urging drivers to stop their cars idling outside schools in order to reduce air pollution and avoid fines of up to £80.

Idling, the term...

picture of mum holding up a bag in front of a coach

Top tips for dealing with Mum Guilt

Well everyone, today I got the award for being the World’s worst mum!

My youngest had her school trip today, off to the woods. I read the letter from school about it last week, so sent her off today with her welly boots, waterproof coat and a packed lunch box. We got to school in plenty of time (well, I mean we weren’t racing through the school gates with minutes to spare before registration...

Picture of a father walking his son to school

SCHOOL RUN-CERTAINTY: NEW RESEARCH REVEALS WHAT PARENTS DREAD MOST AHEAD OF THE BACK TO SCHOOL RUNA quarter (25 per cent) fear talking to other parents at drop-off or being stuck talking to people they don’t knowParents find the school run more irritating

  • A quarter (25 per cent) fear talking to other parents at drop-off or being stuck talking to people they don’t know
  • Parents find the school run more irritating than deciding what to wear (39 per cent), getting out of bed (37 per cent) and even returning parcels to the Post Office (36 per cent)!
  • Parents in Belfast being the most unfriendly parents at drop-
  • ...
Family getting ready to go to school

5 Top tips for the morning school run

After nearly three months of home-schooling , I had forgotten the chaos of the school run! I started back last week with the best intentions and quickly realised after the first few days that snoozing my alarm for 10 minutes made a huge difference in the level of rushing around! So here are my 5 tops tips that I have learnt this week to try and make the school run go as smoothly as possible...

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