There’s no doubt that technology plays a big part in many children’s lives, and the time spent looking at screens is only increasing. Ofcom estimates that screen time has risen to 3 hours for 3–4-year-olds and 4.5 hours for 8–11-year-olds every day. The effects of the pandemic have only contributed to this further, with kids’ education, social lives, and contact with family largely moving...
Technology has become an everyday element of contemporary living. It doesn’t matter if you’re a tech wizard or a technophobe, chances are you own a digital device or two. The convenience of technology can often lead to people spending excessive amounts of time in front of the screen, including children. In fact, 5-7 year-olds typically spend 4 hours doing just this.
If there’s one thing many of our little ones’ childhoods are defined by, it’s screen time. Even as recently as our own childhoods, we never had access to smartphones and tablets like our kids do.
We know that screen time comes with some disadvantages, but how is it really affecting our children?
This article will explore the true impact of too much screen time on young minds...
Medics urge parents to prioritise their children’s eye health over the Easter break
Keep screen time to a minimum over the holiday
Arrange an eye health check-up for your children
Sharon Copeland, Optician at Feel Good Contacts is urging parents to prioritise their children’s eye health over the Easter break by reducing screen time and booking an eye health check up...