
picture of a mum and dad coparenting their child in the woods

Child Support and Financial Settlements: Ensuring Fair Support for Your Children

When relationships come to an end, ensuring that children receive fair support is crucial for their well-being. Navigating the complexities of child support and financial settlements can be daunting, but understanding the key elements can help you make informed decisions.

This blog post provides a comprehensive guide to child support and financial settlements, ensuring your children...

picture of a a happy dad and his two children

Father's Day after divorce: tips from a family law expert as over 100,000 new cases filed

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)* just under 3 million households across the UK are headed by a single parent, accounting for 15% of all families.

Government data** has revealed that 23,517 divorce applications were made between October and December 2023. Annually, 110,770 divorce applications were filed throughout last year , while a total of 103,501 final...

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First half term co-parenting after separation? 6 tips to help get you through

Single parents will be bracing themselves for the October half term this year, as the Coram Holiday Childcare Survey 2023 found that just 24% of local authorities in England have enough holiday childcare for parents working full time. This comes after a survey from UNICEF found that over half of all parents (66%) with young children under 5 in Britain are struggling financially.


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‘Broken’ court system leaves divorcing couples in ‘limbo’, lawyer warns

Lengthy delays and last-minute cancellations are causing huge disruption and emotional anguish for divorcing couples resolving their financial matters via the “broken” court system, according to a family associate at Bristol law firm Shakespeare Martineau .

According to the most recent figures from the Ministry of Justice, there were 119,709 divorce applications in 2022 – up 11% when compared...

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How to manage Mother’s Day if you’ve split from your ex

Warring couples can claim up to £500 to put towards mediation

Every March families across the country celebrate Mother’s Day. It’s seen as an opportunity to say thank you to all of the mums and mother figures for all of their hard work throughout the year.

But for mums who are separated from their partners, it can also be a difficult and upsetting time. Especially if it...

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New free parenting guide offered to separating families in the South West

The Family Law Company is offering the new guide for free to local families who are divorcing or separating. The ‘Parenting Through Separation Guide’ is written by family professionals and advises parents of how to put their children first during a separation.

It is being launched during ‘Good Divorce Week’ which runs from 29 Nov - 3 Dec. The campaign is organised annually by...

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Family lawyers must ‘challenge’ themselves amidst growing desire for amicable divorces

Poll reveals that majority of couples want to ‘keep things civil’ while separating

One of the country’s leading family lawyers has said the profession needs to ‘challenge itself’ to better meet the needs of consumers amidst growing demand for a more amicable solution to separation and divorce.

The call to action follows a recent poll carried out by national consumer law firm...

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Solving co-parenting dilemmas for separated families as the summer holiday looms

Uncertainty about how summer holidays might shape up this year means separated families should consider making flexible written parenting plans right now, says a leading family dispute resolution charity currently providing its services by video conference.

Arrangements for children during the long school vacation always provide headaches for separated parents. This year, the delayed...

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What about children in Devon's separated families who want to hug BOTH their parents? 

As hugs return to our lives, a leading national charity whose HQ is in Exeter is urging separated families across Devon to ensure the children get the chance to hug both their parents.

For over a year, separated families have adapted parenting arrangements as best they could. Restrictions meant many children didn’t see one of their parents for many months on end, and for some even...

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