starting weaning

picture of a happy mum weaning her baby

Common Myths around Weaning and Allergies answered

New research from Organix , conducted at the recent Baby & Toddler Show , has highlighted worrying levels of confusion and apprehension amongst parents’ when it comes to understanding allergies in their children. The shocking survey results show over a quarter (29%) of parents believe in an approach directly against NHS guidelines when it comes to introducing their children to common...

picture of a baby weaning

6 tips to ensure good gut health while weaning

Weaning Week is an annual event dedicated to helping families through their weaning journey, and part of raising a healthy child is looking after their gut health. Here, Mike Hardman from Alliance Online shares some tips on how to ensure good gut health.

Supporting the microbiome and digestive system is an important part of raising a healthy, happy child, and weaning them as they...

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