The ability to collaborate effectively is vital when studying in groups. E-libraries offer a perfect platform for making group study sessions more engaging and productive. Begin your reading journey with z-library — your portal to literary discovery where group members can access the same resources and enhance their collaborative learning experience. It opens up possibilities to share...
Young girls “fall out of love” with sport by the time they’re teenagers.
A damning study from Women in Sport revealed that even active young girls become less sporty as they enter their teen years due to a lack of confidence, the pressure of schoolwork, and not feeling safe outdoors.
In a world where girls and young women face barriers to certain jobs, equal pay, and more,...
New research has revealed children’s physical activity levels in the UK were significantly lower by the time the COVID-19 pandemic public lockdown restrictions were lifted.
The study, led by the University of Bristol, found that by the end of 2021 little more than a third (36%) were meeting the national recommended physical activity guidelines.
Exams are back! Why the most efficient revision you’ll ever do, is when you’re having fun
It’s confirmed, GCSE and A-Level exams will take place this summer for the first time since 2019. The pandemic and its impact on education means that some A-Level students may not have sat a formal exam since SATs in year six.
Leading British stationery brand, Pukka Pads, has over 20 years’...
Do you find yourself dreading taking down the Christmas decorations or wishing away the hours waiting for a delivery? Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone – as a new nationwide study has discovered the tedious tasks that Brits wish they could do in 30 seconds, with selling a car...
The government has set out plans for revised modern foreign languages GCSEs, helping to make the content more accessible for students.
From: Department for Education and Robin Walker MP
Students will study reformed language GCSEs from 2024, following government changes to make the subjects more accessible and attractive for students, and boost take up by making it clearer what they...
School choice fails to empower parents, study finds Policies to increase school choice have not given parents a greater sense of control over their children’s education, new research has found. Parents given multiple options for their child’s school are no happier about education than those who have little choice, according to research published in the Journal of Social Policy.
A study by Barilla shows that kids have been spending more time in the kitchen learning to cook – and as we head into the school summer holidays, now is the time to get them involved!
A survey of British parents found children are learning to cook at a younger age - children are cooking their first meal aged six , five years younger than their parents’ generation at age 11