summer exams

picture of students getting their exam results

Record numbers of 18-year-olds take up their place at university

425,830 of students will be taking up a place at a UK university – a record for an examination year.

Nearly 180,000 18-year-old students in England have had their place at their first choice of university confirmed. This is the largest number ever on record for an examination year, a 20% increase on 2019, when exams were last sat.

Overall, 425,830 students of all ages and...

picture of two girls revising for exams out on the grass

Revision help for students published for summer exams

Information being published will help students to focus their revision for GCSE, AS and A level exams which are planned to go ahead this summer.

From: Department for Education , Ofqual , and The Rt Hon Nadhim Zahawi MP

Students will have access to information from today (7 February) to help focus their revision for summer GCSE, AS and A level exams, as part of a range of adaptations...

Picture of pupils sitting an exam at desks

Adaptations in 2022 summer exams to ensure fairness for students

Students will sit GCSE, A and AS level exams next year with adaptations to recognise the disruption to their education.

From: Department for Education , Ofqual , and The Rt Hon Nadhim Zahawi MP

GCSE, AS and A level exams in England next summer will be adapted to maximise fairness and help students reach their potential.

Following a public consultation, the government and...

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