support for working families

picture of a chalkboard with back to school written on

Back to school? HMRC can help with childcare costs

As children return to school after summer holidays, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding families who may be missing out on Tax-Free Childcare to register.

Tax-Free Childcare puts more money back in the pockets of working families by providing much needed financial support towards the cost of childcare for children aged 11 or under, or up to 17 if the child has a disability. For every £...

picture of a working family

2.1 million annual tax credits packs to be issued

Working families on tax credits are being asked to check their details so they do not miss out on this vital government support.

About 2.1 million tax credits customers will begin to receive their annual renewal packs this week from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

The packs will be sent between 25 April and 27 May, and customers have until 31 July to check their details are...

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