We’re coming up to the most magical time of year, but how do you deal with your pre-teen child who feels too grown up for Santa and all your family Christmas traditions?
For some parents, when their child stops believe in Santa it can feel like the end of their kid’s childhood.
Mark Thomas, Leicester-based IT project manager and dad to an eleven-year-old son, is one of them...
Teens are exposed to tobacco depictions and smoking in nearly half of the films released in 2023
Industry experts raise concerns about the glamorisation of smoking in popular media for younger viewers
Teens are facing an alarming level of tobacco exposure in popular media, with nearly half of all films released in 2023 that are accessible to younger viewers including scenes of...
A third of under-18s have clinical symptoms of anxiety/depression. In today's article, we have an expert view on how to handle back-to-school stresses
Research by Wysa reveals that more than 8 in 10 teenagers are experiencing mental health worries, with 1 in 3 needing professional support, according to standard screening. But most worryingly, young people aren’t getting the help that they...
It is common for teenagers to sometimes lie to their parent or guardian to protect privacy, avoid responsibility, punishment, or protect others, but when the occasional lie becomes a regular occurrence, it can be difficult to believe them when they are telling the truth. While teaching your teen the value and importance of telling the truth, the eyes – more specifically blinking patterns may...
The world of online gaming is forever expanding and has become extremely popular over the past decade among younger generations. Although online gaming can help children learn how to socialize and develop observational skills and problem-solving, it can also cause more harm than good if time is not monitored and addiction sets in.
Cybersecurity expert Lauren Mak at VPNOverview.com...
The prevalence of vaping amongst 11-18 year-olds more than doubled in 2022 from the previous year - from 4% to 8.6% - and understandably, some parents may be worried about usage by their own children.
With this in mind, health experts at Now Patient have revealed five health dangers associated with vaping , as well as sharing tips on how you can stop the habit.
If you are a parent of teenagers, I’m sure you have come across the name Andrew Tate. More recently he has been in the News after being arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, but before that he amassed a huge social media following, where he became very popular with teens.
Before being banned by TikTok, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook, Tate showed his followers images of his...
One in four 17-19-year-olds now has a probable mental health disorder – up from one in six last year.
The findings are according to the NHS digital report The Mental Health of Children and young People in 2022 . The report was produced in collaboration with experts from the University of Exeter and Cambridge University. It explores the mental health of children and young people in 2022,...
One in four older teens now has a probable mental health disorder, new research shows One in four 17-19-year-olds now has a probable mental health disorder – up from one in six last year.
The findings are according to the NHS digital report The Mental Health of Children and young People in 2022. The report was produced in collaboration with experts from the University of Exeter and Cambridge...