
picture of a parent teaching a teenager how to drive

10 Helpful tips to help parents stay calm as their teens start driving

While many parents feel proud when their children pass their driving test, it can also bring a sense of anxiety surrounding their newfound independence on the road.

Concerns about dangerous driving, distractions, inexperience, and the risk of accidents make it natural to feel uneasy about your child driving solo.

To help parents feel more at ease, learner driver insurance...

picture of Instagram Younger Teen View of Settings Change

Introducing Instagram Teen Accounts

Protections for teens, peace of mind for parents Today Instagram is introducing Teen Accounts:

A new protected experience for teens, guided by parents. Starting today, teens on Instagram will automatically be placed in Teen Accounts, which have built-in limits on who can contact them and the content they see, and more ways to connect and explore their interests.

What’s changing?


picture of teens on a sofa with parents arguing behind them

Supporting Your Teen Through Divorce: Navigating Challenges with Practical Strategies

Supporting Your Teen Through Divorce: Navigating Challenges with Practical Strategies

Divorce is a seismic shift in any family's life, but for teenagers, it can be particularly destabilising. At a time when they're already grappling with identity formation, increased independence, and hormonal changes, the dissolution of their parent's marriage can feel like the ground crumbling...

picture of teenagers playing video games

I'm a psychologist: Kids should play video games in exam season

Children should be allowed to play video games during the run-up to exam season, according to experts, as they urge parents to foster a balanced lifestyle.

Worries about exams have risen significantly for young people over recent years, with NSPCC reporting a 10% increase in counselling sessions directly related to exam stress. Leading tuition experts at Explore Learning have teamed...

picture of a mum and child talking about money

How Can You Help Your Teen Save Money From Their Summer Job?

Will your teenager be making money over the summer break? If they have few financial responsibilities, you may be worried they’ll spend it all on frivolities rather than sensibly saving. So, how can you encourage them to make smart decisions with their money ?

Jason Higgs, the Senior Deals Strategist at Bountii , explains how you can teach your teen to build their savings....

picture of A trendy preteen boy at Christmas with his mum

‘I know Santa isn’t real!’ Saying goodbye to Santa - a parent's guide

We’re coming up to the most magical time of year, but how do you deal with your pre-teen child who feels too grown up for Santa and all your family Christmas traditions?

For some parents, when their child stops believe in Santa it can feel like the end of their kid’s childhood.

Mark Thomas, Leicester-based IT project manager and dad to an eleven-year-old son, is one of them...

picture of a teen watching tv

Parental concerns rise as teens are exposed to smoking in nearly half of the films released in 2023

Teens are exposed to tobacco depictions and smoking in nearly half of the films released in 2023

Industry experts raise concerns about the glamorisation of smoking in popular media for younger viewers

Teens are facing an alarming level of tobacco exposure in popular media, with nearly half of all films released in 2023 that are accessible to younger viewers including scenes of...

picture of a father and son talking and laughing

Empowering Parents: A Guide to Supporting Your Teen's Mental Health

A third of under-18s have clinical symptoms of anxiety/depression. In today's article, we have an expert view on how to handle back-to-school stresses

Research by Wysa reveals that more than 8 in 10 teenagers are experiencing mental health worries, with 1 in 3 needing professional support, according to standard screening. But most worryingly, young people aren’t getting the help that they...

picture of someone learning about crypto currency on a device

How to keep your children safe from NFT and crypto scams


● Nearly a quarter of UK teens aged 13 to 16 have either already invested in cryptocurrency (8%) or are planning to (15%), new research reveals today

● Children engaging in both cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) despite concerns over the risks of being targeted by scammers


picture of a parent talking to teenager

Expert reveals how to spot your teen is lying through Blink Patterns

It is common for teenagers to sometimes lie to their parent or guardian to protect privacy, avoid responsibility, punishment, or protect others, but when the occasional lie becomes a regular occurrence, it can be difficult to believe them when they are telling the truth. While teaching your teen the value and importance of telling the truth, the eyes – more specifically blinking patterns may...


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