Universal Credit

picture of british pound notes

£1000 boost for nearly 2million working households on Universal Credit

Almost two million of the lowest income working households who receive Universal Credit will today benefit from a cash boost worth £1,000 on average.

From: Department for Work and Pensions and The Rt Hon Thérèse Coffey MP

Published 24 November 2021

The Department for Work and Pensions has worked around the clock to implement a reduction to the Universal Credit taper rate as...

Picture of Tax credits written on a post it note with a calculator and notebook

Working Tax Credit customers must report changes to working hours

HMRC is urging Working Tax Credit customers to check if they need to update their working hours if these have reduced as a result of coronavirus.

From: HM Revenue & Customs

During the pandemic, Working Tax Credit customers have not needed to tell HMRC about temporary short-term reductions in their working hours as a result of coronavirus - for example if they were working fewer...

picture of tax credits

Universal Credit expanded to benefit more Tax Credit claimants

More Tax Credit claimants will soon be asked to claim Universal Credit as the Government expands the movement of legacy benefit claimants to the modern benefit system.
  • From April, more benefit claimants on Tax Credits will need to complete their move to Universal Credit to streamline and simplify the benefits system
  • Affected claimants will receive letters notifying them of
  • ...


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