
picture of BBC 500 words campaign

UK wide children’s creative writing competition 500 Words launches

Today, the UK’s most successful writing competition for children, 500 Words, launched on BBC Breakfast, live from a primary school in Abergavenny. Once again, the competition has been given the royal seal of approval, with Her Majesty The Queen announcing that it was open in a special poem to Sir Lenny Henry, one of this year’s judges, on BBC Breakfast.

It is also confirmed that this year’s...

picture of BBC 500 words campaign

Leading children’s writing competition 500 Words relaunches on BBC

The UK’s most successful children’s writing competition, 500 Words , will relaunch this September, supported by BBC Teach with BBC Breakfast hosting the initiative for 2023.

The BBC is now searching for teachers and librarians across the UK to register their interest in joining the judging panel to help choose the best entries later this year.

500 Words is a UK wide...

Picture of children having an English phonics lesson

English ‘fundamental’ to pupils’ educational success

Ofsted has published the latest in a series of reviews into different subjects across the curriculum. Today’s review looks at English. 

This review explores a wide and diverse range of research relating to English, to identify factors that can contribute to high-quality curriculums, pedagogy, assessment and schools’ systems for managing the subject. Ofsted’s education inspection framework (...

picture of dinosaur dig tuff tray activity for kids

Dinosaur dig tuff tray

I love coming up with new activity ideas using dinosaurs, which are my son's favourite toys. The latest tuff tray I tried was a dinosaur dig tray.

What you need to make your Tuff Tray
  • Tuff tray
  • Toy Dinosaurs – smaller ones are better here.
  • Something to cover the dinosaurs with. I personally used old cereal, which I had blended down together after using it
  • ...
picture of a father teaching his child about phonics

Twinkl Phonics: Approved by Teachers, Parents, and now the Department for Education

Long recommended by schools and teachers, Twinkl Phonics is now validated by the Department for Education. After years of trust from the education community, the systematic synthetic whole-school phonics programme was approved by the DfE on 17th December.

Providing activities, guidance and resources for every phase, Twinkl’s proven phonics programme gives educators the resources and...

Picture of a boy painting

Learning about letters and letter formation through painting

After lots of homeschooling over the last year, I have been looking at different ways to make learning more fun. Painting is always a go-to activity for me as you can adapt it in so many ways and sneak in lots of learning opportunities. Today’s painting activity involves learning all about letters and letter formation.

What you need:
  • Paints – I always try to use washable paints
  • ...
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