helpful money saving tips

An image of a mother and a father holding hands with their son and swinging him up in the woods

Expert Shares Top Tips That Could Save Families Hundreds During the Six-Week Summer Holiday

As recent research suggests that parents could be set to spend £1,047 per week during the six-week school holiday, a leading youth enrichment expert is sharing cost-saving tips that could save cash-strapped families hundreds of pounds this summer.

Charlotte Russell – a youth enrichment expert, trained secondary school teacher, co-founder of Pawprint Family and mother of one (with...

4 Ways to Save Money on Family Days Out

Terri Brown, a family travel blogger from The Strawberry Fountain , has been reviewing family focused attractions for 8 years. She regularly shares her top tips for getting the most out of certain attractions as well as advising her readers on which ones should be avoided altogether. Here she shares her 4 top tips for saving money on family days out which is bound to come in handy with the...

picture of Our Response to Bathing

Four expert tips to save water in the bathroom and cut your utility bills by £303

Dominic Lees-Bell, bathroom expert at said, “Whilst we don’t want you to stop enjoying your downtime in the shower or bath, we can all make a difference with a few adjustments. We’ve revealed some helpful tips to cut down on water in the bathroom, which benefits the planet and your pockets with savings of up to £303”.
  1. Save £118 by installing a water-saving shower head
  2. ...
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