outdoor activities for kids

picture of children gardening

Four Reasons You Need to Get Your Kids Into Gardening This Summer

Are you tearing your hair out at the idea of keeping your rambunctious little ones entertained this summer?

You might have signed them up for activity clubs or planned days out to theme parks, but these costs can quickly add up. And it’s hard to tire them out enough for a good night sleep at home.

But there is a solution. Have you tried getting them into gardening?


Picture of happy children running outside in the sun

Six sustainable activities for kids this summer

Taking care of our world is a big issue – one that involves young and old alike. Introducing children to fun, sustainable activities can help them understand how to care for the planet – without them even realising that they’re learning!

From an early age, kids are taught about sustainability issues like plastic waste, pollution, animal conservation and recycling at school and in the...

picture of a child gardening with their grandparent

Top tips for getting kids into gardening this National Gardening Week

Child's play: how to get your kids into gardening By The Greenhouse People

It’s National Gardening Week, and what better way to spend it than by introducing all members of the family to this physically and mentally stimulating hobby.

And with summer half-term just around the corner, and the weather set for a glorious heatwave , gardening could be the perfect activity to keep your...

picture of children painting outside

The Great Outdoors: 6 Fun Outdoor Activities For Kids

Spring has truly sprung and to make sure your family has months filled with laughter and excitement, you can easily plan adventures outdoors. This can be something as simple as a walk through your local park.

Here are some of the best ways to keep your little ones entertained in the great outdoors during the warmer months.

1. Craft and complete a nature spotting sheet...

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