
picture of Hot Mama tea

The Perfect ‘Hug in a Mug’ for That Time of the Month 

Women's wellness brand, HotTea Mama , is especially proud of its award-winning menstruation tea, Over the Moon. Thoughtfully blended with natural herbs and botanicals, the 100% organic tea is designed to soothe PMS and support happier periods.

Naturally caffeine-free, the herbal infusion has been carefully crafted by the brands Tea scientist (and founder) to comfort and support all women...

picture of a couple at doctors appointment

Women’s geographic access to fertility treatment “significantly higher” in the richest parts of Britain, analysis shows

Geographic access to IVF and other fertility services is significantly higher in the richest parts of Britain, a new study shows.

Researchers have warned the current locations of clinics is likely reducing opportunities for those living in more deprived parts of the country to get fertility treatment.

Opportunities to have a baby may thus be influenced by a geographical...

picture of a woman eating a healthy diet


Are you a women in your late 30s or early 40s? If so, you may be asking ‘how do I improve chances of conception?’ Knowing how food can support fertility over 40 can help you on your journey towards conception. Read on to find out more.

Fertility and ovarian reserve

Women are born with a fixed amount of eggs. As we age, fertility naturally declines as the quantity of eggs declines. It...

picture of a Couple at a fertility clinic


A leading South West fertility clinic is launching a patient forum aimed at giving women and couples currently undergoing treatment the chance to give detailed personal feedback to the people responsible for their care.

The team at Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM), which is based at Aztec West, has invited every patient treated in their new premises since it opened at...

picture of happy couple with new baby

South Hams birth rate soars: 15.9% increase in the last year

South Hams birth rate soars: 15.9% increase in the last year, the 5th greatest across England

Fertility expert explains why women over 40 are having more babies than those in their teens

New ONS data, collated by Fertility Family , has revealed that South Hams has seen one of the greatest rises in birth rates in England over the last year.

The fertility rate in the area has...

picture of upset woman looking out of a window


For many people Mother’s Day is a lovely time of celebration but for anyone having difficulty becoming a mum it can be a tough time, so Bristol fertility counsellor Wendy Martin has put together some top tips to help would-be mums get through the day if they are not looking forward to it.

Wendy, who works as a counsellor and treatment support therapist at Bristol Centre for...

picture of pregnant woman holding her bump

South Hams birth rate drop: 44.1% decrease over the last decade, the 3rd greatest nationwide

South Hams birth rate drop: 44.1% decrease over the last decade, the 3rd greatest nationwide

• South Hams has seen a 44.1% decrease in birth rates since 2011

• In 2011 the average number of children per woman in South Hams was 2.09 which plummeted to just 1.45 in 2020

• South Hams birth rate is 8.8% lower than England's average

• Across the country, just three areas...

picture of an isolated couple looking out over water

Research shows aspiring parents isolated by UK fertility taboo

Research shows aspiring parents isolated by UK fertility taboo
  • 3.5 million Brits face infertility but support for its economic and emotional toll is limited
  • Just 15% told colleagues they were having fertility treatment, with 3/5 going to work when they didn’t feel capable and 2/5 feeling unable to ask for help
  • As politicians debate paid time off after pregnancy
  • ...
Picture of a couple holding hands in a fertility doctors office

Prospective parents given more choice over when to start a family

Government to increase storage limits for eggs, sperm and embryos to a 10 year renewable period

From: Department of Health and Social Care , The Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP , and Lord Bethell of Romford

Published 6 September 2021

  • Change will empower future parents and give them even greater control over fertility choices
  • Storage limits will no longer be
  • ...
Picture of a sad woman sat on the bed with a pregnancy test

New service to help employers provide support through pregnancy problems, including fertility treatment and baby loss

UK charity helping companies to support workers through pregnancy and parenting challenges, including fertility treatment and baby loss

  • Baby charity Tommy’s launches Pregnancy & Parenting at Work service for employers to support employees through challenging life events
  • 2/3 parents felt managers wanted to help - but only 1/3 said they knew how
  • Most
  • ...
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