gcse exams

picture of exam paper

Exams head back to normality in 2023

Government and Ofqual confirm exam arrangements for students in 2023

GCSE, AS, and A level exams in England will largely return to pre-pandemic arrangements next summer as young people continue to recover from the pandemic.

In line with the plans set out last September, Ofqual has confirmed a return to pre-pandemic grading in 2023.

To protect students against the disruption...

picture of ditsy floral pukka pads stationary

Why the most efficient revision you’ll ever do, is when you’re having fun

Exams are back! Why the most efficient revision you’ll ever do, is when you’re having fun

It’s confirmed, GCSE and A-Level exams will take place this summer for the first time since 2019. The pandemic and its impact on education means that some A-Level students may not have sat a formal exam since SATs in year six.

Leading British stationery brand, Pukka Pads, has over 20 years’...

picture of two girls revising for exams out on the grass

Revision help for students published for summer exams

Information being published will help students to focus their revision for GCSE, AS and A level exams which are planned to go ahead this summer.

From: Department for Education , Ofqual , and The Rt Hon Nadhim Zahawi MP

Students will have access to information from today (7 February) to help focus their revision for summer GCSE, AS and A level exams, as part of a range of adaptations...

Picture of pupils celebrating exam results

Pupils celebrate GCSE results

Over half a millions pupils have received GCSE results, with around 80% passing English and Maths.

From: Department for Education and The Rt Hon Gavin Williamson CBE MP

Over half a million pupils are celebrating their GCSE results, with overall grades slightly up on last year.

Results show 79.1% of entries received a grade 4 or above – equivalent to a pass –...

Picture of children doing exams in school

Proposals set out for exams and assessments in 2022

Exams expected to take place next year as Government and Ofqual launch consultations on arrangements to mitigate disruption to education.

From: Department for Education , Ofqual , and The Rt Hon Gavin Williamson CBE MP

Exams next year are set to recognise and mitigate the disruption to students’ education, under proposals on arrangements for 2022...

Picture of a school exam

Higher GCSE grades linked to lifetime earnings boost

New research shows the link between GCSE attainment and earnings over a person's lifetime.

From: Department for Education and The Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP

Those who perform just one GCSE grade better than their counterparts across nine subjects have been shown to earn on average over £200,000 more throughout their lives.

For the first time ever, statisticians...

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