sleeping bag

Picture of snuz sleeping bags

Snuz’ing in Style in the Pouch of Dreams! 

Undoubtedly the sleeping bag to trump all sleeping bags… the cosiest, softest, sleep-inducing SnüzPouch not only looks great with its vast array of stylish designs, it features a genius nappy changing zip to ensure little ones (and their parents) get all the ZZZ’s they need!

The unique SnüzPouch comes in both 1.0 and 2.5 tog, with sizes 0-6 months and 6-18 months...

Picture of the new ewan the sheep baby grow

Introducing a Truly Unique Sheeping Bag, for the Sweetest Dreams! The brand behind one of the most iconic sleep aids unveils a brand-new category

The brand behind one of the most iconic sleep aids unveils a brand-new category.

SweetDreamers, the brand behind the UK’s much loved (and one of the original) sleep aids, ewan the dream sheep, is thrilled to launch a brand new, utterly adorable sleeping bag, or should we say sheeping bag!

The highly anticipated arrival promises to be both super soft and super snug, and with...

uswitch camping in a heat wave.- tent with pen doors

10 Staycation Tips To Keep Cool When You’re Camping

Amid uncertainty around travel abroad, many Brits are staying in the UK for their holidays this year with campsite booking increasing by 500% in some regions. While the UK is gripped by an extreme heatwave, and another expected in August , keeping cool under the canvas is something that’s becoming essential for many first-time campers.

As part of their Sunny Staycations campaign, the...

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