toy cars

picture of Learning how to spell with your car loving child

Learning to spell with your car loving child

Trying to get my son away from his cars to sit firm and learn about cars was always really tricky, so I decided to bring the learning to his car play mat! My son really loved this activity and didn’t even realise that he was learning at the same time, which is always a bonus!

What you will need for this activity

🚘 a car playmat. If you don’t have one you can always try making one...

picture of counting with cars activity

Learning to count with bricks and cars

My son loves cars so we try to include them in lots of our learning activities. For this activity we are learning about counting and measuring.

For this activity you need :
  • Different sized cars, we used a variety from big trucks to little sports cars
  • Lego blocks, the smaller bricks are better as you will use more and encourage them to count more.
  • Paper
  • ...
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