
picture of Anna promoting the Pippeta campaign


Supported By Anna Mathur & Ferne McCann, Championed by Pippeta

A shocking 1 in 4 women experience a perinatal mental health problem and 70 per cent will hide or underplay their maternal mental health difficulties.

This Breastfeeding Awareness Week (1-7 August), celebrity advocates Ferne McCann and Anna Mathur, both well known for campaigning to support wellbeing and...

picture of a mum breastfeeding

Vital Baby’s NURTURE range links with expert to bring advice and support during Breastfeeding Awareness Month

Champion, Cherish and Cheer on Breastfeeding!

Vital Baby’s NURTURE range links with expert to bring advice and support during Breastfeeding Awareness Month

From triumphant to tiring, breastfeeding comes with a whole host of highs, lows and everything in between. That’s why leading baby brand Vital Baby have teamed up with paediatric dietician Lucy Upton [ @childrensdietian ] to offer...

picture of a mum feeding a baby with a xdreamgenii feeding pillow

From Feeding Fun To Meeting Milestones: The multi-use dreamgenii feeding pillow does it all!

The award winning, dreamgenii Feeding Pillow will become the ultimate sidekick for you and your little one and a multi-use addition for your daily routine. Whether you want hassle-free feeding sessions, enjoyable tummy time adventures or effortless support in helping baby reach those exciting sitting-up milestones, the 4-in-1 dreamgenii feeding pillow is there to assist!

Made from...

picture of Pippetas Silver Nip cups

SILVER SAVES THE DAY! Small and speedy healing for Breastfeeding Mamas

Most breastfeeding mamas will experience sore or cracked nipples at some point in their breastfeeding journey. This can be caused by a number of factors such as an improper latch, incorrect positioning of your baby or sensitivity to saliva. Once the cause has been established (and fixed) Pippeta’s Silver Nip Cups will naturally soothe, heal and encourage faster recovery.


picture of a mum breastfeeding a baby

New Calculator Shows How Long You’ve Spent Breastfeeding

A unique tool has been launched that helps parents estimate the total amount of time they've spent breastfeeding their baby and translates it into fun, relatable experiences.

Smart Cells, a leading cord blood stem cell collection and storage company, has announced the launch of its new interactive Breastfeeding Calculator on their website.

“Breastfeeding is an incredibly...

picture of Breastfeeding beauties campaign


World Breastfeeding in Public Day, 22 February 2024

Women want to feel comfortable when breastfeeding in a public space. But worries about being judged and embarrassment around breastfeeding when out and about have been cited as a reason to only breastfeed for a short time, or not at all.

Campaigning to empower women to have the confidence to breastfeed in public, Pippeta, the brand...

picture of a Mum using a Pipetta Pump


Championing Mums That Pump!

World Breast Pumping Day – 27 January

Whether you feed your baby directly or through pumping, we all know breastfeeding is an important experience for every mum. To help mothers who are unable to directly breast feed, using a breast pump means that your baby doesn’t have to miss out!

Pumping takes time and commitment. In recognition, World Breast...

picture of a supermum wearing a cape with her child in a field

The Super Six: Why every new Mum is a superhero

By Lesley Gilchrist, Founder of My Expert Midwife

Fact: Women have been conceiving and giving birth forever. In fact, it’s such a common occurrence that we often forget just what an amazing and miraculous achievement this is. The superpowers women and their babies have: from the menstrual cycle, surging hormones and female fertility right through to conception, growing, and birthing...

picture of mum and baby outside in the sun

6 Ways to Keep Your Baby Cool in the Heat

As the sun's rays beat down during the scorching summer months, it's crucial to ensure that your baby stays comfortable and safe in the heat. Babies are more susceptible to heat-related issues like dehydration and heat exhaustion, so it's essential to take extra precautions to keep them cool. Here are six effective ways to help your baby beat the heat and enjoy a safe and enjoyable summer....


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