breastfeeding tips

picture of a mum breastfeeding

Vital Baby’s NURTURE range links with expert to bring advice and support during Breastfeeding Awareness Month

Champion, Cherish and Cheer on Breastfeeding!

Vital Baby’s NURTURE range links with expert to bring advice and support during Breastfeeding Awareness Month

From triumphant to tiring, breastfeeding comes with a whole host of highs, lows and everything in between. That’s why leading baby brand Vital Baby have teamed up with paediatric dietician Lucy Upton [ @childrensdietian ] to offer...

picture of a mum breastfeeding her baby

Top Tips for World Breastfeeding Week

A Helping Hand to Feed Baby with Ease Vital Baby Offers Top Tips for World Breastfeeding Week 2023

This week is World Breastfeeding Week. Running from 1st-7th August 2023, it celebrates the natural way of feeding baby and supports mums in their journey. Vital Baby understands that this can sometimes be a challenge for new mums. So, with this in mind they have come up with five tips to help...

picture of a mum breastfeeding

World Breastfeeding Week: Expert gives 6 breastfeeding tips

  • Reassured spoke to Deborah Lee from Dr Fox Online Pharmacy in time for World Breastfeeding Week (1st – 7th August) to cover all things breastfeeding
  • The expert answers 6 questions, like when and how to stop breastfeeding and what to do when you’re experiencing pain
  • Dr Deborah Lee debunks 5 breastfeeding myths from breastfeeding is easy to not being allowed to drink
  • ...
Picture of a breastfeeding baby

New study reveals 1 in 4 women reported postpartum pain impacted their ability to breastfeed

According to new research, physical recovery after childbirth can lead to unexpected breastfeeding challenges for new mums, with eight out of 10 mothers saying they were not fully prepared for their own recovery post childbirth.

Maternal health brand, Lansinoh has carried out extensive research into the impact of birth related injury and pain on breastfeeding outcomes. In a survey of...

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