
picture of a teen boy watching his phone

What parents need to know about Andrew Tate

If you are a parent of teenagers, I’m sure you have come across the name Andrew Tate. More recently he has been in the News after being arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, but before that he amassed a huge social media following, where he became very popular with teens.

Before being banned by TikTok, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook, Tate showed his followers images of his...

picture of Portia Jett and Ore Oduba

What is umbilical cord blood, and why are celebrities choosing Plymouth-based Biovault Family to bank it? 

Stem cells are extraordinary. Those left in your baby's cord blood after the birth are especially powerful, able to regenerate every kind of damaged blood cell. So far cord blood stem cells are being used to treat more than 80 diseases including cancers like leukaemia and lymphoma, inherited immune system and immune-cell disorders, sickle cell disease and anaemia, and Gaucher disease. But...

picture of a child gaming on a computer

Helping young people to stay safe online with the launch of YouTuber rating tool

Parents can now check out the YouTubers their children are watching online, using Natterhub’s handy Rate My YouTuber page.

Online-safety and media literacy company Natterhub has launched a webpage which helps parents to make informed decisions about the YouTubers their children watch, using guidance from young people.

As data from Ofcom’s 2019 report shows, YouTube remains a...

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