starting a family

picture of woman shopping sustainably

52% Parents Pause Family Plans for Climate Change

HP study finds climate crisis is changing parental decisions on purchasing, careers and even family size

· New research from HP reveals 91% of parents are concerned about climate change, with a majority indicating the crisis has even impacted their perspective on having more children.

· Study reveals most parents are looking for companies to take action on climate change and are...

picture of Surrogacy

Card play and art reveals children’s views of surrogacy for first time

Children with experience of surrogacy are in favour of legal reforms, according to a new study that marks the first time their views will be included in a review of surrogacy laws.

Using a combination of age-appropriate methods, including a unique set of playing cards, researchers have drawn out their thoughts on topics including how the legal parents of a child born through...

picture of a happy family outside

The best areas in England to raise a child – revealed

The best areas in England to raise a child – revealed
  • Wolverhampton takes first spot, with the best average salary of the top 10
  • Darlington comes in second and North Lincolnshire is third
  • Hull is fifth, but has the lowest monthly costs of the top 10

According to a new study, Wolverhampton is the best place in England to raise a child.


picture of a child watering a vegetable patch

How to raise an eco-friendly family in 2022

Facing the future: How to raise an eco-friendly family in 2022
  • Research from the United Nations has suggested that the global population is increasing by more than 80 million each year and is set to reach 9.7 billion by 2050 ( UN ).
  • A 2017 study by climate scientists Kimberley Nicholas and Seth Wynes found that raising a child in the developed world produces a carbon
  • ...
Picture of a couple holding hands in a fertility doctors office

Prospective parents given more choice over when to start a family

Government to increase storage limits for eggs, sperm and embryos to a 10 year renewable period

From: Department of Health and Social Care , The Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP , and Lord Bethell of Romford

Published 6 September 2021

  • Change will empower future parents and give them even greater control over fertility choices
  • Storage limits will no longer be
  • ...
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