early years education

picture of a Early years setting

International experts highlight the importance of a child’s early years

Ofsted has today published a report exploring early years provision in an international context.

International research shows that children who spend longer in early years provision have better educational outcomes later on. It also shows that high-quality early years provision particularly benefits children from low-income backgrounds.

While the importance of the early years is...

picture of children in an early years setting

Early years curriculum should be celebrated as being unique and distinct from all other education

The curriculum delivered in early years education and childcare is more focused around what children are interested in learning rather than being prescriptive around the things they might need to learn, according to a new report.

However, rather than prompting concerns, the report’s authors say that is something which should be celebrated and preserved as it provides an inclusive and flexible...

picture of a nursery setting

Government support needed to expand childcare

Following the ambitious announcement of extra funded early education and care for children and families in the Spring Budget, National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) has found providers need urgent support with staffing and that all promised funding must reach the front-line, if they are to deliver this policy.

This is such a crucial time for providers that NDNA held two events in...

Picture of children having an English phonics lesson

English ‘fundamental’ to pupils’ educational success

Ofsted has published the latest in a series of reviews into different subjects across the curriculum. Today’s review looks at English. 

This review explores a wide and diverse range of research relating to English, to identify factors that can contribute to high-quality curriculums, pedagogy, assessment and schools’ systems for managing the subject. Ofsted’s education inspection framework (...

Children sitting down with blocks with letters on

Top 5 activities for introducing your child to spelling words

Top 5 activities to teach your child to spell words

When I started trying to teach my children about simple words I found it all a bit daunting and didn’t really know where to begin. We started off sitting down and writing out the words, but my children lost interest pretty quickly. So I came up with some more creative ways to teach them, here are my top 5 activity ideas ....

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