mess free

picture of Valentines Day Mess Free Painting

Valentines Day Mess Free Painting

My Daughter loves painting and, whilst I enjoy a good messy painting session when we have the time, sometimes I need an activity which is a bit less messy and much quicker to tidy away.

My go to addition to my painting activity during this time is always cling film! Sounds strange I know, but trust me, it’s great for everyone!

With Valentines day approaching we have been...

Picture of a mum painting with her children

Mess Free Painting activity

We don’t mind a messy painting activity in our house, but there are some times when I really don’t fancy having to hose down the children and kitchen after a painting session. This painting activity is a much quicker activity for children to do if you’re short of time (but it can take a bit longer to set up) and creates hardly any mess at all. The magic ingredient of this activity, which...

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