pregnancy hormones

picture of a pregnant woman sleeping


TEMPUR® sleep specialist & sleep counsellor shares his guide to a restful night’s sleep to help ease the struggle through the nine months of pregnancy

There are perhaps no greater changes that occur in a woman’s body than those experienced during pregnancy. From hormone levels to bone density, all areas of health are subject to changes and fluctuations. Providing the all-important time to...

picture of a mum breastfeeding

Caring for your breasts when breastfeeding

Breasts change a lot during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Your nipples may darken and get bigger, and pregnancy hormones will trigger the production of milk – making your breasts grow and prepare to produce breast milk. Then, with the birth of your baby, milk production kicks in and your breasts will fill up with milk.

When you’re breastfeeding and/or pumping, breasts don’t require...

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