Healthy Food Sorting Activity
Teaching children about healthy eating from a young age is so important! I have tried talking to my children about what foods are healthy and which are not so healthy, but generally you can see their eyes glazing over at the word ‘vegetable’.
We always try to make learning a bit more fun in our house, so we got out the play food and made the latest tea party set up a bit more educational.
My daughter is still fairly young, so we just started off with fairly basic food (like fruits, vegetables, chocolate and cakes), but it is really easy to expand this activity as your children as they grow older. You can add in a much larger variety of foods and even add in a ‘in the middle’ category, as some foods can sit in between.
What you need for this activity:
- A Tuff tray or playmat
- Play Food
- Plates with ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ written on
What to do:
I set out the play food around the edge of our tuff tray and put two plates in the middle, which said ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’. We then talked about each piece of play food and my daughter decided if they were healthy or unhealthy, then she put on the corresponding plate. My daughter loved this activity and asked to do it immediately after we had finished it the first time around. I tried to let her lead the activity as much as possible, but made sure I talked through everything with her. I tried to start explaining that if the food had been grown then it was healthy, but if it was made there was a higher chance that it was unhealthy.
I have definitely noticed my daughter paying more attention to the food she is eating since doing this activity, which is fab! I hope your littles ones enjoy this activity as much as my children have.
To find more fun activities you can do with your children click here.